DUP Mark 20th Anniversary Of Not Supporting Good Friday Agreement


ON this the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, which ushered in peace in Northern Ireland, commemorations will take place in Belfast to mark the momentous achievement. Elsewhere alternative commemorations are being observed by the DUP, who continue to celebrate the anniversary of not supporting the agreement in any shape or form.

Arlene Foster led the commemorations by steadfastly standing with her arms crossed and looking sullen, while pointing out her party maintain a desire to have Northern Ireland’s affairs run from Westminster as the DUP aren’t much up for running things with Sinn Féin in Stormont.

While there will be much acknowledgement of the work of John Hume and David Trimble, and the awarding of the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize to the men, the DUP have instead opted to celebrate not voting for the Good Friday Agreement by having some sugar-free, flavourless cake before waving miniature Union Jacks.

“Some people might be delighted that 20 years ago a peaceful and possibly prosperous future was signed off on for the generations to come, but we’re just going to watch a DVD boxset of the Queen’s speeches on repeat and talk about how great Brexit is,” a DUP aide close to Foster revealed.

Elsewhere, Sinn Féin have spent the previous week replacing every mention of the SDLP and John Hume in the Wikipedia entry on the Good Friday Agreement with ‘Sinn Féin’ and ‘Gerry Adams’, in a bid to rewrite history.
