Man Evolves To Point Of Letting International Women’s Day Pass Without Sarcastic Comment


AN ACCELERATED evolution within the brain of one Irish man has perplexed scientists who insist his refusal to pass sarcastic comment over events marking International Women’s Day is an era-defining level in neurological development.

“Ah, I just thought better of it, like why bother,” offered Mark Higginly, for the first time in his life choosing not to sour the mood among his female coworkers, friends or family members with antagonistic remarks he knows are unwelcome and only serve to belittle women.

“On some level one might say my previous years of passive aggressive responses to women wanting to highlight marginalised groups or advocate for better representation proves the need for IWD but to be honest I’ve just grown a bit tired of being a massive unrelenting prick,” Higginly added, displaying the sort of growth as a human being that all studies suggested was beyond him.

“No ‘what about International Men’s Day’, no ‘well actually’ when systemic inequalities are brought up, no ‘back in the kitchen from tomorrow’ remarks, this is truly an astounding leap forward for Mark-kind,” shared one male noggin expert.

“Were Mark’s trajectory to continue on this accelerated path, we can’t rule out that actively supporting women and participating in calls for genuine equality could be a possibility for his great-great-grandson in the early 22nd century,” concluded the expert.
