Stoner Begins 420 Celebration


WATERFORD cannabis enthusiast Mark Gerihan is today celebrating 420, also known as Stoner’s Christmas, and has posted his largely cannabis-related itinerary for the day on Facebook.

The 20th of April, or ‘4/20’ as it is written in the American calendar, became known in the cannabis community as a day of celebration after legendary tales of a group of stoner friends from California who would meet at 4:20pm every day after school to get high and have wacky pot-based adventures.

The date has grown in popularity over the years, and has become an unofficial ‘feast day’ for cannabis lovers worldwide to partake in getting high, staying high, losing their high, then getting high again throughout the course of the day.

Mark Gerihan, 24, has been looking forward to the holiday for ages now, and awoke this morning with a big smile on his face that the 20th of April had finally arrived.

“I know I smoke weed pretty much every day, but it’s just more fun on 4-20,” posted Gerihan on Facebook, during his daily routine of rolling a joint at 8 in the morning.

“Yeah, I’m just going to relax here all day, get high, watch some telly, maybe see is there any of the lads around… yeah, 420 it only comes once a year, so I’m going to make the most of it”.

Gerihan went on to state that he doesn’t know what he will do with the rest of his week, as it’s only Monday.
