Woman’s Quirkiness Cemented With New Fringe


STUDENT of the arts Emma Holden has today cemented her inner quirkiness with a brand new fringe, aptly named a front bang, which currently sits two inches above her brow.

The 26-year-old launched her new look on Facebook, updating her account with a post-cut profile picture, and a statement, reading ‘finally got it done’.

It is understood Ms. Holden spent hours debating the cropped style with family and friends, several of whom already made the leap.

“My friend Deirdre said since she got hers done all the art crowd in town have started speaking to her and asking her to cool events with free wine. She even got an invite to a Japanese anime night at the old cinema,” Holden told WWN.

“The front bang look is very 1970s New York and it is deffo the one for me,” she added.

Since opting for her new look, the granddaughter-of-four said she regularly finds herself reading up on French literature, and insists that she will probably fall for a man with the same interests.

“My next boyfriend will probably be a creative type who’ll get on brilliantly with my large clique of friends,” she imagined, with her mind. “I like the name Tony, but I’m not all that fussy really, a Paul or a Clive will do.”
