Dirty Proddy Bastard Wanted Over Outrageous Chelsea Racism Incident


POLICE investigating a group of Chelsea fans filmed racially abusing a man in a Paris Metro, station last week wish to speak to an ex-RUC officer from Northern Ireland, as they believe the proddy bastard may have been among the gang.

The former peeler and Chelsea season ticket holder is one of the three men whose images were released by Scotland Yard as part of an investigation into a group of supporters who allegedly pushed a black man off the train while chanting a racist song ahead of a Champions League clash with Paris Saint-Germain.

The soup-taking hun, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was spotted in shocking footage which was released on YouTube following the shameful incident, in which a young man is refused entry onto the packed train by a group of supporters chanting “we’re racist, and that’s the way we like it”.

“If we pause the video, you can clearly see the dirty orange prick standing in the middle of the Chelsea supporters,” said Ian McArthur, chief spokesperson for Scotland Yard.

“Using this footage, we were able to find the man’s identity and bring him in for questioning. Turns out, he’s a fucking Jaffa bastard who took the Queen’s Shilling during the troubles. We’re investigating further at the minute”.

The victim of the Metro incident, known only as Souleymane S, has expressed his shock and disappointment at been racially abused in his own city, and has questioned the intelligence of football fans who would chant racist slogans while in someone else’s country.
