Famine In South Sudan Compels Local Man To Skip To Nicer Story


RECENT reports that hundreds of thousands of people are in the grips of a famine in South Sudan has compelled one Dublin man to skip to a nice story on his mobile phone, WWN understands.

As international aid organisations make desperate pleas for assistance as they battle famine conditions in war-torn South Sudan, commuter Sean Nolan decided to move immediately onto a story about a dog that ‘can’t even’ citing his desire not to be made feel guilty about every minor thing occurring in impoverished parts of the world as the reason for his actions.

“I will definitely read up about it, probably later, maybe on my lunch. But on the way into work on the bus, it’s a bit of a downer,” Nolan conceded, clearly wanting to insulate his day from the thoughts of how millions of South Sudanese people will be on the verge of starvation by the summer.

Nolan defended his decision, stating that on any other day he would ‘totally be all over that stuff’ however, due to not getting enough sleep last night he felt he had earned the right not to be depressed by real world stuff. The customer care worker also stressed that were someone to bring up the subject in work, he would nod along earnestly.

“Look, don’t get me wrong. I’ll do my part, I’ll have a go at Trump by posting some Tiny Trump memes on Facebook later, but for now, I think I’ll stick with more uplifting news,” Nolan added, in the hope that the reports emanating from the oil-rich country in the throes of a bloody civil war would have completely left his mind by evening time.

For a look at a selection of Tiny Trumps memes Nolan will share later click HERE.
