Taylor Swift Releases 100 Song Album Following Break Up With Calvin Harris


THE music loving public is set for an onslaught of break up songs that totally ‘get’ what it’s like to have your heart broken, following the Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris split.

Swift has wasted no time since the end of the relationship, with the talented singer penning 100 break up songs in the last 24 hours and releasing them all on an epic album entitled ‘OMG, The Feels’.

“Oh, she locked herself in the recording studio there about 48 hours ago, and it has been wall-to-wall ‘no one understands me’ ever since,” explained Swift’s publicist.

“It’s hard for a singer who is the world’s go-to-person when they need to be understood, who does Taylor listen to? Adele got happy at just the wrong time for Taylor,” the publicist added.

It is believed Harris’s musical output will be unaffected by the split as he’s ‘determined to continue releasing absolute shite’ according to insiders.

The tabloid media are said to be overjoyed by the news of Swift’s break up, stating ‘everything was working out just right for her, for far too long’.
