Online Discussion About Travelling Community Going As Well As Expected


AN ONLINE discussion centred around the travelling community has gone about as well as could be expected, WWN can reveal.

Feeling the need to express an opinion in a public forum, Facebook user Catríona Fitzgibbon relayed a personal experience in which she allegedly had an interaction with a member of the travelling community.

What started out as an innocent 1,900 word status posting soon descended into chaos as the residents of Facebook got wind of a discussion about travellers and were drawn to the post, compelled to add their own two cents, alongside completely unrelated and highly charged invectives.

4,000 lengthy comments later and the post is showing no sign of slowing, while simultaneously showing no signs of adding anything constructive to Irish life and society in general.

“Well, this really isn’t a surprise it is?” observed online comment section expert Stephen Hayes, who revealed that this sort of thing happens all the time.

“You don’t have to go far to find this sort of thing, people just want to give out and so they comment, it’s almost like they aren’t interested in engaging in a conversation or other peoples’ opinions,” Hayes confirmed.

Hayes pointed to several comments which saw people giving out endlessly about travellers, while other comments gave out endlessly about giving out about travellers.

“I could be wrong, but I’ll go out on a limb here and say nothing worthy was achieved by this, what a shitshow,” Hayes concluded.

The online discussion is expected to peter out after several more thousands comments are left below the original status.
