WWN Guide To Facebook Events


NOTHING draws a greater crowd to an occasion than a mass-invite of strangers via a “Facebook Event Invite”, a technique that is guaranteed to bring a huge crowd to your birthday party or car boot sale or whatever.

But how can you be sure that the event you send out is going to be successful at drumming up a crowd? What’s the etiquette? Follow our guide to make sure your party is hopping!

Invite everyone on your friends list

Don’t take the time to go through your friends, second-guessing as to which one may or may not be interested in attending; just invite them all! Granted, some of your friends live in Australia now, some of your friends are people you barely know, and some of your friends are local businesses, shops and buildings without the ability to actually move from their foundation, but, that doesn’t mean they don’t at least want to hear about your 21st this Friday in McGinleys!

Make the invite as enticing as possible

You want to get people excited about your event, so put all your time and effort into writing a title for it that explains everything in excruciating detail. “TABEL QUIZ FOR CANCER THIS FRIDAY IN JP’S IN CLONES FOR CANCER RESEARCH RIP DAD XXXX ONLY 5 EURO AT DOOR” tells people basically everything they need to know about your event, without you having to put much time or effort into writing more than you absolutely need to.

Cancel your event and do it again

Make a mistake? Spotted a typo? Got the times wrong? No need to worry, just cancel the event and send it all over again. That way, people get several notifications about it; hell, it’s all they see in their feed! Example:

Sean Hanlon created an event: Piss-up at the weekend in my gaff
Sean Hanlon invited you to an event: Piss-up at the weekend in my gaff
Sean Hanlon cancelled the event: Piss-up at the weekend in my gaff
Sean Hanlon created an event: Piss-up next weekend in my gaff

Remember, creating a Facebook event invites costs you nothing, so feel free to make as many as you want! Not only that, but Facebook has decided that event invites are the most important service it provides, and will constantly update your friends as to who is interested in attending, who is attending, and who did attend your event! All in time for you to create a new one.
