Local Woman Doesn’t Care What The Weather Is Like, She’s Wearing Shades


ASSERTING her constitutional right to look as good as possible whenever the opportunity, regardless of the weather, Waterford city resident Leanne Corrigan has vowed to wear her brand new shades despite the inclement conditions currently affecting Ireland.

“Fuck it sure, these look class on me anyway,” confirmed Leanne as she slid her brand new pair of €6 Penneys shades on, which were in no way a cheap knock off of a very popular and expensive brand of shades.

While Leanne admitted some people encountering her on the streets today would find it strange that her eyes needed shielding from the Sun, given that it is currently hidden behind grey clouds, torrential rain, and strong winds.

“I get it, people think ‘what is yer one playing at’ but come on look at me, I look really cool, I mean really cool and I never look this fucking cool,” Leanne explained, while reinforcing her bold claims by walking purposefully up and down the street, brimming with a confidence solely derived from wearing a class looking pair of shades.

“The state of your one boi,” confirmed local passer of remarks, Eamon Hart, as he clapped eyes on Leanne striding about with her shades on in the pissings of rain.

Leanne had initially bought the shades with her July holiday to Turkey in mind, but decided to wear them almost instantly after noticing how “I really managed to nail that combination of cute and sexy, that’s not easy to do”.
