Twink Admits Regularly Sandblasting Vagina


IRISH Panto star Adele King, better known as Twink, has advised mature women up and down the country about a radical new sandblasting treatment for vagina’s over 60.

The Irish entertainer went online on her new beauty blog, Zip Up Your Bitsies, today to recommend the two hour procedure as a fantastic new way to maintain hygiene in the nether regions.

“It really gets into all the nooks and fannies,” she humorously wrote in the 300 word article. “Once you get over the initial pain from the tiny, fast moving grains removing the first few layers of skin, you become somewhat detached and drift into a beautiful meditation like consciousness. The results speak for themselves and I would recommend this over bleaching any day of the week.”

The treatment itself costs about €200 euro, with only a handful of beauty salons trained in the practice.

“Make sure you ask to see a certificate in vaginal sandblasting before opting for the treatment.” she later advised, before going into graphic detail of a sandblasting horror story which left a friend of the panto star crotchless.

According to the spa she recommended, by allowing the higher speed sand blast through the genital area, you are cleaning more “hard to reach areas like the flappy vulva”.

“It’s like new when it’s done.” she added. “You could even say: Twink pink.”

However, many doctors have criticized the treatment due to its horrific nature, claiming that the sand may get lodged in the uterus and cause infection, but what would they know girls, eh?
