Couple Haven’t Seen Outside World Since Discovering Disney+ Has All Episodes of Modern Family


“THERE ARE subterranean cave-dwelling bats that have seen more sunlight than we have,” – the words of local couple Grainne Tuohy and Stephen Halpin, who recently embarked on a rewatch of Modern Family on Disney+ and effectively shunned the outside world in the process.

Treasured events such as birthdays, weddings and bin days aplenty have been missed by the couple as they let episode after episode of Modern Family play out on their Disney+ account.

“We should probably go back to work but Stephen said, ‘that’s something you’d do’ when Cam panicked after locking Lily in the car and so now we’re stuck in a ‘haha, that’s you’ loop while pointing at the TV,” Grainne revealed to WWN.

Polite knocks on the door from neighbours have gone ignored as revisiting all 250 episodes of the classic comedy proves too alluring to turn away from, especially now the couple have installed a toilet trap door in their couch.

“I had a ‘Gloria meltdown’ when Grainne said I have ‘Gloria meltdowns’ and my Waterford accent really comes out. But really, I’m more like Phil Dunphy, boi!” added Stephen, a Jay Pritchett in training, if anything.

Doctors have reassured the public that staying glued to the couch is perfectly normal and a harmless side effect of having access to the entire series of Modern Family, The Simpsons, How I Met Your Mother, Family Guy, Blackish, New Girl and American Dad on Disney+.

All episodes of Modern Family, and many more great comedies, are now streaming on Disney+. Find out more or sign up online at
