Couple Saving For Weekend Away In Ireland Settle For 2 Months In Bahamas Instead


A HARD WORKING couple planning a night or two off from the kids in one of Ireland’s sought after holiday towns have ditched their plans in favour of two long months in the Caribbean for roughly the same price.

“When you factor in petrol, the hotel room or an Airbnb, plus there’s the food you’d be eating, the price of pint, all in all we were looking at prices in the region of ‘fuck off away with yourself ye thieving bastards’,” confirmed local man Colm Cassidy.

“We didn’t think the Bahamas would be on the radar really but it’s about €8000 each for the 2 months, so we’re actually still coming out with savings when compared to competing with Yanks for a hotel room in Dublin or Galway,” added Colm’s wife Yvonne.

A spokesperson for Failte Ireland pointed out that such locations could be prone to tropical storms and even hurricanes during off peak times which still sounded more preferable to the Cassidys than eating a breakfast an Irish hotel billed as ‘the full Irish’ but only contains one sausage.

“Look it, we’re not saying the Bahamas suits everyone, some people hear about the clear water, the white sands, the heat and they’d take being rained on in Kerry for the same price,” conceded the Cassidys.
