Irish Charity Embroiled In ‘Correctly Spending Donations’ Scandal


AN IRISH charity has become embroiled in a scandal which has seen it accused of ‘enhancing the sector’s reputation’ after it was able to fully account for its spending, WWN can reveal.

Backhander, a charity which specialises in helping people from impoverished backgrounds access health care for spinal issues unavailable in Ireland due to the existence of politicians, had its accounts for the most recent financial year signed off by an auditor who was satisfied it hadn’t taken any ring-fenced funding, meant for a specific purpose, and just spent it on other things.

“This can’t stand, a full inquiry must be launched, just think of the reputational repair such transparent governance could do to the industry,” said one observer, in the wake of Backhander’s reputable approach to its work and spending.

This correctly spending donations scandal comes after the Peter McVerry Trust stands accused of mismanaging as much as €40mn in donations which were used to cover debts and spending rather than for their designated specific purposes.

“News of Backhander’s behaviour really risks restoring some people’s faith in the financial oversight in some Irish charities. How do they sleep at night? Very easily I’d imagine,” added one corporate governance expert.
