Israel Bombed Two UN-Run Schools Sheltering Civilians But I Want To Talk To You About Some Red Paint Instead


WWN’s resident opinion columnist Connor Tarian reacts with his trademark calm, clear-eyed thinking to the most heinous crime committed against humanity the world has seen over the past week.

“It takes a particularly disturbed mind, that has lost all perspective and been twisted by a dehumanising hate of others, to carry out the sort of act of unimaginable horror the world bore witness to on Saturday. I am not one for hyperbole as you well know so believe me when I say the splashing of the Department of Foreign Affairs with some red paint is Ireland’s 9/11.

I wept as I laid flowers at the Department of Foreign Affairs, this vandalism reminded me of all the other awful chilling ‘isms’, you know the ones.

You would be hard pushed to find any corner of the world this week in which a greater crime against humanity occurred. I thought long and hard about it, I read countless newspapers, watched news bulletins but no matter where I looked nothing compared.

Yes, the IDF has bombed two UN affiliated schools sheltering civilians but let’s not compare apples with oranges. One is a cowardly act committed by murderous extremists enabled by a cowardly international community who refuse to condemn them and the other was carried out by the IDF.

I estimate the cost of therapy needed in the wake of this mega-terroristic assault on the innocent facade of a building to be in the millions. The cost alone in figuring out how to administer therapy to bricks is going to be substantial and oh, don’t you worry old muggins the taxpayer will foot the bill, not these fellas*.

*fellas = woke Marxist student layabout dole scrounging vegan wannabe Hamas they/them climate activists.

It’s easy for the deranged supporters of such barbarity to laugh and snigger but imagine the reaction if it wasn’t red paint which struck and stained the building but blood! And the blood of innocent people no less, what then?

Imagine the outrage! People would be calling on governments to do everything they could to stop it but oh no, because it’s just paint on a building people have lost all sense of perspective and are talking instead about the IDF’s bombings and the death of 5,000 children and counting – have you all lost your mind?”
