‘Mam’, ‘Mum’ Or ‘Mom’? Here’s This Same Fucking Question Again To Fill Up Time
MOTHER’S Day has rolled around again, so what better time to throw out the question about what Irish people should call their maternal parent, to give you all something to argue about in the comments while we head to the pub for an early Friday.
Well known to be an incredibly divisive issue among Irish people, the debate between ‘Mam’, ‘Mum’ or ‘Mom’ hasn’t changed since the dawn of clickbait journalism and as such is frequently rolled out by media outlets looking for minimal work/maximum click-through, and who are we to buck this trend?
So while we bugger off into town to pick up a few bits for our own mothers, here’s a few starter-points for your debates in the comments. Have fun!
Mam – too culchie.
Mum – too West Brit.
Mom – too American.
Ma- too inner-city Dublin.
Mother – too serial killer.
Mammy – too weird after the age of 9.
Their first name – too much of an edgelord, try-hard vibe, stop being a little shit.
Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments, and we look forward to seeing you again for Mothers Day 2023 where we’ll be asking pretty much the same question again while we fuck off to the pub.