YouTube Opens First Ever Video Library For People Looking To Do Their Own Research


VIDEO streaming platform YouTube have unveiled their first ever public video library in Dublin in a bid to facilitate a surging number of people choosing to ‘do their own research’, WWN can report.

The three-story modern style building will house walk-in streaming booths with access to YouTube’s vast array of independently produced, unresearched and unregulated video content for those wishing to ‘inform themselves’.

“I used to spend most days sitting on me hoop smoking reefer, but now I’m going to spend all my time smoking reefer, sitting on me hoop researching alternative news channels that churn out unverified content oozing anti-Semitic ideology,” shared a former fuel injection technician turned conspiracy theorist, welcoming the new library. “Finally, people with lower IQ levels are starting to wakup!”

The need for truth in a world full of misinformation has seen queues for the new library from the early hours of this morning, with so-called ‘activist’ and ‘journalist’ Gemma O’Doherty cutting the red ribbon to mark the opening today.

“George Soros is Nazi collaborator plotting the destructive revolution in America and wants to control your children using microchips in vaccines while he feeds on the freshly tortured adrenal glands of Catholic infants who were kidnapped by Muslim fundamentalists,” a manic O’Doherty screamed while cutting the ribbon, before being met by cheers from the crowd who then began shouting ‘peado scum off their streets’ for no apparent reason.

YouTube, who unlike Facebook have so far managed to evade global inquiries into their algorithms which have been delivering conspiracy theorists with questionable content since 2005, has vowed to continue its torrent of lies while the offending video uploaders continue to earn 20 cent per video advert delivered by Googles’ own ad network.

“We’re making way too much money here to stop now,” Google defended.
