‘Sexy Hard Border’ Set To Be Number 1 Halloween Costume This Year


STUCK for a Halloween costume this year? One enterprising Waterford party company may have the answer for you, with a number of politically themed (but still sexy!) Halloween outfits ranging from Sexy No-Deal Brexit to Sexy Saudi Drone Strike to choose from.

Guaranteed to put a smile on the faces of your party guests while simultaneously spooking them (and tickling their fancy!), the very fetching Sexy Global Recession one-piece goes for a mere €25, allowing you to look your best without digging into your finances; you’ll need them next year!

Sexy Rising House Prices is sure to terrify and titillate anyone under the age of 35 who has yet to get a foot on the property ladder, and Sexy Return Of Paramilitary Activity On The Island Of Ireland is set to make your party go with a bang!

“The ideal Halloween costume is three things; sexy, spooky, and kinda funny for a very short period of time” said Ashling Heenan, head of marketing for ‘Boo! Fuck’ entertainment.

“So our new costumes have all that in spades. We’ve cornered the market in blatantly offensive caricatures of ongoing or unfolding human tragedies, and we’re hoping to build on this next year with Sexy Yemen Refugee, Sexy Trump Launches Nuke To Distract From Impeachment, and Sexy Active Shooter Livestreaming On Facebook”.

Keep an eye out for these Halloween costumes near you, being worn by the biggest fucking dose at the party.
