Bespectacled Posh Fanny Looking Twat Opens Mouth Again
PROFESSIONAL posh twat Jacob Rees Mogg has opened his mouth again, WWN can confirm, with the action subsequently resulting in words and sentences, which made no sense, exiting his poxy mouth and out into the public domain.
Thanks to his upper class upbringing, Mogg, known as an insufferable prat, is apparently entitled to ignore historical facts in favour of spouting falsities about Irish history, and his belief that Ireland has been ‘undermining’ Britain for several centuries.
“What a fucking twazzock, the pound shop version of Mr. Bean, with all the charm removed, and his twat-o-meter whacked up to ‘complete and utter tosser’ knows sweet Fanny Adams about Ireland, Northern Ireland or the Irish border,” remarked one expert with knowledge on the ongoing nuisance, who among other things, is against gay marriage, abortion and the Human Rights Act of 1998.
The silver-spooned, mollycoddled cad, who specialises in cack-handed cockups, has been rendered impervious to suffering the consequences for being continually incorrect because, after all, he pronounces words in a posh, Eton educated way.
Gifted with being a gormless arsehole whose accentuated annunciations are seen as a massive strength by British people who have an irrational fear of non-white people, Mogg’s latest mouth opening has received widespread coverage thanks to the fact that when a posh jingoistic dog-whistling fraud says something, it’s chuffing good fun all the same.
Under fire for opening his mouth and erroneously explaining how Britain’s decision to leave the EU, which were well flagged long before the vote occurred, is all actually Ireland’s fault somehow, Mogg adjusted his top hat while simultaneously making room for caviar in his mouth while he was being breastfed by his nanny, who continues to care for him, despite being 48-years-old.
“It behoves me to say I simply unsheathed my word-sword, as one does on occasion when struck by the fancy, and the Irish, known for having smaller brains and being prone to anger, got frightfully annoyed by the sharp stab, right as it was, that Britain is the real victim when we weigh up our respective histories. Poor Britain, I say, what have we ever done to the Paddies?” Mogg, the complete cunt, probably said in his defence against accusations that he is an empty-headed, bilious bellended-wolf in posh sheep’s clothing.