Liverpool Fan’s Girlfriend Wished He Talked About Her Like He Does Mo Salah


JESSICA Farrelly cut a forlorn figure on the end of her couch yesterday afternoon as she had to contend yet again with the stark reality of her relationship with her boyfriend and Liverpool fan Anthony Coogan, and his undying love for Mohamed Salah.

Farrelly (27) had been in a happy and romantic union with Coogan (26) for three years until some time in September of 2017, things took a turn for the worse.

“Anthony isn’t some monosyllabic knuckle dragger, but yes, it’s true to say he doesn’t exactly find it easy to express his feelings. Like, it took him 2 years to say I love you and even then he struggled. But he’s turned into fuckin’ Shakespeare, spouting sonnets ever since Salah came along,” a disgruntled Farrelly explained.

Coogan, now a loose lipped loved up lothario when it comes to Salah, has taken to divulging intense proclamations of love any time the star player makes one of his trademark slalom like darting runs or adds to his already impressive tally of goals this season.

“Just listen to him,” Farrelly sobbed as Coogan committed yet another stirring heartfelt confession of love to the player Liverpool fans have taken to their heart this season.

“Fucking yes! Get in. Love you Mo. You beauty,” Coogan giddily expressed as he watched a Salah YouTube highlights reel, his eyes transfixed on the Egyptian star.

“I don’t know what I’d do if he got injured, I couldn’t take not having him line out on the pitch and in my heart. Jessica, look, look at him sprint. Jessica! You’re not looking, look at him. Look at him, he’s so fast! I get goosebumps every time,” Coogan added, piling on the declarations of love for someone he hasn’t lived with for the last 18 months.

Farrelly’s heartache is only set to continue as Coogan has in recent weeks begun trying to replicate Salah’s hairstyle.
