Delight For Waterford Woman After Boyfriend Pukes Ring Up


WATERFORD woman Marion Dennehy was overcome with emotion yesterday after discovering an 18ct engagement ring in the toilet after her hungover boyfriend projectile vomited into it for a full half-an-hour.

Derek Hamill, 28, had been in the pub with the lads all day on Saturday, and returned home in an incredibly drunken state in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Hamill dragged himself to the bathroom of the one-bedroom apartment that he shares with Dennehy, his girlfriend of 6 years, and proceeded to vomit while gasping about how he was ‘never drinking again’.

Distressed at the sheer amount of vomit coming out of one man, Dennehy was about to chastise her boyfriend when she glanced at the bowl and noticed that he had puked a ring up.

“I said yes immediately,” said Marion, washing the ring off in a solution of water and Dettol.

“How romantic of him to propose to me like that. I’ve been giving out to him for years about going out and drinking too much, getting sick all over the place and spending the whole weekend dying. And now he’s used it to spring a proposal on me. Does my man know me or what?”

Derek has remained quiet about the incident, but has sent a WhatsApp to the lads he was out with, to check at what point in the night he ate an engagement ring.
