Galway Fan’s Jersey Starting To Stink A Bit


MAYOR of Galway Pearce Flannery has today called an emergency meeting in the town hall after receiving a series of complaints about locals continuing to wear their Galway hurling jerseys following their All Ireland Hurling Final win some 8 days ago.

Hundreds of shop and business owners in the city centre have asked for die-hard fans to think about the city’s tourism industry, claiming that the “smell of onions” emanating from unwashed jerseys is starting to reach epidemic status.

“You can’t even smell the weed and stale piss anymore,” one publican told WWN, now wearing an industrial face mask, “the whiff of B.O around the town is something awful.

“For instance, the other day I saw one well-known crusty gagging, almost choking with the smell, after passing some lad in a Galway jersey. I think they’ve been wearing them so long now that they can’t even smell themselves and they’ve become immune”.

In one instance over the weekend, the fire brigade was called in to remove an inebriated Galway fan from Eyre Square, later evacuating the area over the dangerous fumes.

“We had to literally chisel the jersey off of him,” firefighter John Roche recalls the incident, “the jersey itself had to be disposed of with the help of the Garda Bomb Disposal Unit robot, which has since had to go for maintenance such was the damage caused by the toxic stench”.

Several brave launderettes in Galway are now offering to wash fan jerseys for free in a bid to tackle the problem, which has so far seen 47 people admitted to hospital from sweat inhalation.
