Dublin Man To Stand Trial For Historic Rape Case


A NORTH Dublin man will today stand trial for a decades-old rape case, in which he is alleged to have impregnated a local teenager in the early 1990s following an attack in the carpark of a local pub.

Named locally as George ‘Georgie’ Burgess, the now 72-year-old has admitted having sexual intercourse with a girl in her early 20s outside a Kilbarrack social club in 1993, and claims the incident was consensual.

Although details of the incident became common knowledge in the area following the birth of Burgess’s love-child later the next year, no criminal investigation was launched until 2016 when the alleged victim came forward to Gardaí.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, brought charges against Mr. Burgess after hearing about similar incidents in the press, breaking her 20-year silence in a bid to help others who have suffered in the same way.

“For the longest time, my client has accepted the blame for what happened to her,” said a spokesperson for the prosecution.

“However that opinion changed now that her daughter is in her early 20s. My client watches her daughter go out at night, and wonders if the same thing will happen to her; she’ll have a few drinks too many, and then find herself in a situation that she did not consent to. There’s a name for someone having sex with you when you don’t want them to, and that word is rape. Seeing that my client was intoxicated past the point of taking care of herself, the defendant had sex with her on the bonnet of a car in the lashing rain. That’s rape, and my client doesn’t want her daughter growing up in an Ireland where this kind of thing is passed off as being ‘her own fault'”.

Meanwhile, a hotline has been set up for anyone affected by this case HERE
