Local Man Heartbroken To Learn Best Friend Has A Different Best Friend


PLUMMETING to the deepest depths of emotional turmoil rarely visited by any human being, a local Waterford man is said to be utterly heartbroken after discovering his best friend has a different best friend.

Davey ‘Fists’ Wallace, with a Waterford address in the Ireland area of Europe, is still reeling from the revelations that his best friend in the whole wide world, Conor ‘Bonner’ Hughes considers James ‘No Nickname’ Higgins to be his best friend.

“My stomach sank. I was onto Bonner looking to grab a pint but he said ‘just gonna stay in’, it hit me like a freight train when I saw him out that night with James,” Fists began to explain while whimpering into a tissue.

“It was always ‘Fists and Bonner’, ya know, the lads all knew we had something special and now he’s basically telling me his best mate is James. I’d be heartbroken, but he’s smashed it to pieces, there’s nothing left to break,” the experienced session head shared with WWN.

For close to 14 years Fists and Bonner, both 32, had been a best friends fixture on the Waterford session scene, however, with this shocking news coming to light it is unclear as to whether the pair can continue.

“It’s horrible to watch,” shared friend of the pair Jessica Logan, “I suppose I’d known for a while James was really Bonner’s bestie, but I didn’t have the heart to tell Fists”.

“I can’t see myself recovering from this, I feel lied to and betrayed. Who am I going to watch the football with now,” a disconsolate Fists sobbed.

Bonner was unavailable for comment as he was probably off being best friends with James behind Fists back.
