Fight For Venezuela’s Future Below In The Comments


AS THE INTERNATIONAL community’s endorsement and support for self-proclaimed Venezuelan president Juan Guaido continues, and criticism of American led interference in the affairs of a sovereign nation grows, WWN appeals to its readers to conclusively improve the circumstances of the Venezuelan people and solve the unrest by calling each other ‘evil capitalist cranks’ and ‘stupid communist cunts’ in the comment section below.

Venezuela’s future is at stake and if there is one thing we’ve learned about online discourse centering around international events and politics it’s that a peaceful and constructive solution is always first found in an online comment forum.

Whether you’re an ardent supporter of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro or Venezuelan President Juan Guaido is not important. What is key however, is that you acknowledge how you, a citizen of Not Venezuela need to have your two cents on the subject aired on the internet in a bid to single-handedly solve it all.

NATO and the UN constantly monitor the comment sections of the Daily Mail,, the Guardian and your uncle’s Facebook posts in a bid to copy and paste diplomatic solutions and swear words.

“It wasn’t until an Irish man named Liam Kelly called a guy from Texas a ‘trumped up Trump spastic’ that I knew people had my country’s back,” confirmed one Venezuelan we spoke to as part of our factual journalistic endeavour.

“Never underestimate how vital pointless squabbles in comment sections can be to the overthrowing or maintaining of a leader,” concluded the Venezuelan, who was in the middle of printing off an ill-tempered thread on her country to show President Maduro.
