Brexit Fallout Continues As UK Porn Enthusiasts To Relocate To Ireland


THE LONG muted censorship of pornography in Britain is just the latest taste of what life could be like for Britons outside the EU under a Conservative government carrying out the sovereign will of its people.

With 36.8% of the popular vote last year, pushing the Conservative Party into government and 52% of the electorate freeing Britain from the restrictive shackles of the EU in the Brexit referendum, it has been speculated that more enjoyable sovereign bills like the Digital Economy Bill will be on its way.

Many porn enthusiasts have already responded by relocating to Ireland, where every whim and flight of pornographic fancy are indulged by the country’s internet service providers.

“We would advise anyone coming here to avail of some videos of Milfs doing God’s know what to stick to urban areas,” explained local broadband supplier and masturbation enabler Dermot Kenny, “you’ll not know boobs from bollocks if you move out to the rural areas and get your porn there, there’s about 5 pixels to around a whole town the broadband is that shite”.

A special task force has been set up here in Ireland, which will see British porn lovers met at the airport and given an informative guidebook and the best sites to peruse.

“We’ve got it all really, if your sick mind can dream it, it’s probably there somewhere. Like, did ya know, there’s people doing awful questionable things with pineapples,” explained head of We Also Love Porn task force Peter Port.

The government has estimated that the relocation of porn lovers to Ireland from Britain could net the economy 5 times the revenue generated from all financial services companies relocating to Dublin from London.
