Exclusive Extract From Micheál Martin’s Biography Of Mary Lou McDonald


WRITTEN over the weekend after a bought of insomnia and mild insanity, and fueled by nothing but caffeine-free coffee, the Taoiseach Micheál Martin has promised a fateful and true depiction of one of Ireland’s most talked about politicians, unlike like that fawning sanitised Shane Ross book.

WWN has the exclusive first extract of Micheál Martin’s biography of Mary Lou McDonald titled ‘TerHERist: The EXPLOSIVE Mary Lou Story (As In Bomb Explosions, Do You Get It?)’:

“The doctor and midwife could tell immediately this child was no ordinary child, for what normal child is born with a balaclava already on its head? Nurses fainted as they saw the cloven hooves. This is how Mary Lou McDonald entered the world on May 1st, 1969.

‘It is normal for a child to start speaking on their first day? And to be quoting Marx and Engels so flawlessly?’ Mary Lou’s parents asked doctors but the doctors shook their heads.

The new parents’ tremulous hands gripped Mary Lou, in much the same way Satan’s parents must have held the fallen angel, or Damien’s parents in the documentary The Omen.

While other children played peacefully in creche the infant Mary Lou was seen often alone in the corner, using playdo to mold her own version of semtex bombs.

“It troubled me greatly” one creche worker said, who incidentally were she to be working today would be working at a creche whose fees will have been reduced by 25% percent thanks to Fianna Fáil.

School was no different, Mary Lou shunned convention but was most at ‘peace’ in art class were she painted IRA murals. When confronted by a teacher, Mary Lou painted a mural over them, nearly killing the educator.

Ireland’s health service was completely different to that of 2022 so Mary Lou’s parents struggled to get her an appointment with a mental health professional and child psychologist or indeed a specialist in Manic Republican Child Syndrome, a serious condition in its day.

Going undiagnosed would have terrible consequences for poor Mary Lou and will have terrible consequences for Ireland in the future if you don’t vote Fianna Fáil.

“Being exposed to just 3 seconds of a Mary Lou speech is the equivalent to watching In The Name of The Father 400 times while on speed. The damage it can do to one’s mind is terrifying,” observed one IRA psychologist I interviewed for this book.

Academically Mary Lou would have excelled had she not dropped out of school in first year to train Farc rebels in the jungles of Colombia, which I will touch upon in chapter two.”
