Sinn Féin Launches RepubliCoin Cryptocurrency


ADAPTING to the future and revolutionising their ability to fundraise, Sinn Féin have officially entered to cryptocurrency market.

“We have to look into these alternatives in fairness, lads who donate €4mn to a political party in their will don’t grow on trees,” said Pearse Doherty at RepubliCoin’s launch.

Financial experts have described the move as risky but something Sinn Féin supporters will invest in uncritically. Despite the glitzy launch, RepubliCoin’s inception has not been without its glitches as an accompanying NFT has not been as warmly received.

“No I thought you said pictures of Gerry Adams in a cape. Where am I going to get someone to draw a Gerry Adams ape at short notice? Fuck it, it doesn’t matter they’re worthless now” Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald was overheard saying to a party member on the phone.

With Sinn Féin’s political stock at an all time high, it was a case of now or never for launching the coin, and the early signs are it will be a success for the party as thousands of crypto bros have already uploaded lengthy YouTube videos warning potential investors will have FOMO soon, before warning people not to have ‘paper hands’.

The electronic currency will see holders of RepubliCoin gain access to exclusive offers in the Sinn Féin shop such as 25% off on a number of items including a United Ireland.

Asked if they will pursue similar endeavours spokespeople for Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael said they saw no reason to create a speculative wealth generating venture that is sure to collapse leaving the most vulnerable holding the can when that is what the Irish economy is for.
