Government Call For Vote Of No Diggity, No Doubt


THE government have countered Sinn Féin’s vote of no confidence with a propsed Dáil vote that shows there are still a number of people in the country who ‘like they way they work it’, WWN can confirm.

Sources close to the coalition confirmed the vote was inspired by the classic hit ‘No Diggity’, although everyone in government confirmed that they prefer the Ed Sheeran version to the one by ‘all the black lads’ in the 90s.

“Forget no confidence, people have no diggity about us,” beamed Taoiseach Micheál Martin today, not entirely certain about what he was saying but assured by advisors that voters in key demographics will love a contemporary reference more than any policy.

“Sinn Féin are merely doing what they always do – trying to get us ousted from power so that they can sweep in and bring you all manner of fanciful ‘reforms’ and ‘solutions’. That’s what’s being promised to you by Mary Lou McDonald, or ‘shorty bang bang’ as she’s known around here”.

The SF vote, brought forward as the removal of the whip from FG TD Joe McHugh left the government without a majority, is expected to fail thanks to pro-coalition independent TDs, who in true No Diggity fashion like to ‘bag it up’.

Meanwhile the Healy Rae brothers are expected in Leinster House today to give everyone eargasms with their melodious accents, as per usual.
