Why Mary Lou McDonald Is Suing RTÉ


IT HAS emerged that Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has launched legal action against RTÉ. However, the move is shrouded in mystery with rumours that it is related to a Morning Ireland broadcast in February of this year.

WWN’s award winning researchers have worked around the clock to bring its readers the details and can confirm that:

McDonald appears to be suing RTÉ over comments made by a presenter in relation to the rape of Máiría Cahill by an IRA member when Cahill was 16.

It’s not the case that McDonald is suing RTÉ for running of a poll which asked viewers if they were aware Sinn Féin is a cannibalistic devil worshiping cult whose members’ urinated acid and admitted to being massive Westlife fans.

While she may have a case, McDonald is not suing RTÉ for claiming Pearse Doherty is Danny Dyer in disguise.

McDonald is not believed to be suing in relation to the fact Sinn Féin dismissed Cahill’s claims that then party president Gerry Adams brought Cahill to an IRA kangaroo court which conducted a trial over her rape.

Currently McDonald is not suing over a Primetime segment which said Sinn Féin created the housing crisis when in government between 2008 and 2022 and are secretly hiding 100,000 houses from voters.

McDonald is not believed to be suing over assertions that she was forced to issue an apology for Cahill’s treatment at the hands of the party or the fact Sinn Féin ignored Cahill when she first brought the allegations to them and allowed the alleged rapist to remain in the party for three more years.

There is no indication that McDonald is suing RTÉ over a Claire Byrne segment which explained Sinn Féin’s economic policies by beating a pinata in the shape of a baby with the writing ‘our beautiful innocent economy’ written on it.

Nor is McDonald suing over RTÉ reporting on the fact that after a face to face meeting with McDonald Máiría Cahill said McDonald was guilty of “an abdication of responsibility, bluster and spin” and Cahill had been treated in a despicable manner.

It is not believed McDonald is suing RTÉ over reporting on a series of polls in Northern Ireland which show the majority of people do not support a United Ireland, with as many at 75% of people against a United Ireland if it meant the loss of the NHS.

McDonald is not suing RTÉ for continuing to broadcast Mrs Browns Boys although someone should.
