‘I’d Buy A Big House For My Mammy,’ And Other Lotto Lies


FOLLOWING news that the winner of a €130mn Euromillions jackpot has given away over half their prize to charity since scooping the jackpot in 2019, WWN took to the streets to ask people what they would do with their winnings – as well as running these answers through our lie detector machine.

We heard:

“I’d buy houses for all my friends and family, so that they never had to worry about a mortgage again”.

Our lie detector said:

This person would buy lots of houses for themselves, establishing a property portfolio that would ensure their Lottery winnings were just the start of a fortune far beyond any jackpot.

We heard:

“It wouldn’t change me”.

Our lie detector said:

It would absolutely change them.

We heard:

“I’d give loads of it to charity”.

Our lie detector said:

Charitable donations would be made, yes, but it would only be a matter of time before anyone who came knocking on the door would be told that money doesn’t grow on trees, find some other sucker to sell your sob story to.

We heard:

“I wouldn’t have anyone killed”

Our lie detector said:

This person already has a top five list of people they’d have killed straight away. In fact, they might do it themselves regardless of whether or not they ever win a dime.

We heard:

“I’d lose the absolute fucking run of myself and blow it all on sex and drugs”

Our lie detector said:

We detected no lies here.
