Can You Trade A Bobby Pin For A House As Seen On TikTok? We Investigate


PROVING a viral sensation on TikTok and receiving international media coverage, 30-year-old Demi Skipper managed to start out with a bobby pining for bartering, successfully trading all the way up to her ultimate goal of exchanging it for a house.

Inspired by her amazing achievement done over the guts of 18 months, and very aware of the fact Irish prices are currently higher than Snoop Dogg on a holiday to Jamaica, WWN sought to try out Skipper’s scheme in Ireland:

Trade 1)

We couldn’t actually find a bobby pin lying around the house at first so we headed out to the shops. Spotting one of those craft markets we bought a hand painted bobby pin for €30. Five minutes in and we’re already down.

Trade 2)

Impatient and not sure we could dedicate our lives to the cause 24/7 for 18 months like Skipper we cut to the chase and appeared at an open house viewing in Dublin and laid it all out to the selling agent. Bobby pin for house, deal?

He promptly called the guards and we spent the night in the cells. Taking into account the fee we had to pay to attend the viewing in the first place, the fine for ‘disturbing the peace’ and a new-one-on-us fine of ‘threatening lucrative property prices’, we were down about €1,000. Oh, and the guards confiscated our bobby pin.

Trade 3)

After dusting ourselves we changed tactic and went where all bargain hunting bargainistas go; Done Deal.

Days of messages back and forth but finally we had a bite; someone was willing to trade our new Penneys bobby pin for a car! A 1.6l 2007 Polo no less.

More disappointment after we exchange bobby pin for car. No log book, seller wanted to meet down abandoned alley and specifically asked if we were cops. Exchange took place but on drive home with car it breaks down. Closer inspection reveals it’s made entirely out of painted over cereal boxes built over a child’s scooter.

Trade 4)

It’s becoming clear this is an incredibly hard undertaking that’s near impossible. We take to this time.

Finally, a lucky break. Good news: a man in Cavan wants the cereal boxes and scooter and is willing to exchange for a house!

Bad news: the owner wanted us to drive to their place to collect the keys so taking into account the hassle, the unbearably awkward chit chat and the petrol money we decided against it and kept the cereal boxes and scooter.
