Dublin Girl To Choke Down Pumpkin Spice Latte If It Fucking Kills Her


YEARS of seasonal coffee deceit has caught up with renowned Dublin girlo Amy O’Cormac-Casey, after her friend Una Lane presented her with an extra-large pumpkin spice latte ‘just how she likes it’.

“Here’s the thing, I think these things are absolute dog piss” O’Cormac-Casey confided to us, tentatively sniffing at the cinnamon-dusted beverage.

“I’ve been putting pics of me drinking them up on Instagram every Autumn for years now, but I always just tip them down the sink. Una didn’t know that, and bought me one. And now I have to drink it, this could be rough”.

Mustering as much ‘mmmm, so tasty’ as she could, the 29-year-old O’Cormac-Casey then proceeded to drink about one third of the thick, sweet caffeinated brew, frequently drawing her friend’s attention to something in the distance so she could pour as much as she could on the ground.

Adding a further complication to the mix, O’Cormac-Casey quickly discovered that she is in fact deathly allergic to pumpkin spice, casuing quite the scene as she tried to continue choking down the ‘yummy beverage’ as her throat slowly closed.

“Eh, Amy, your face has gone purple, are you okay?” asked her friend Lane.

“You know, if you don’t like pumpkin spice lattes, you don’t have to drink them, it’s okay to not like something just because it’s cool on social media”.

O’Cormac-Casey continued to insist that she was all about that ‘hashtag PSL life’, until she passed out and a Starbucks barista had to perform an emergency tracheotomy with a green straw.
