Contact Tracing: What Is It? Why It’s So Important, You’re Not Going To Read This, Are You?


IT REMAINS incredibly important to keep up to date with the latest information so you can 1) keep your family and others safe, 2) stay informed on the decisions taken by those in power and 3) and, no… no, you’re gone, we can see the eyes are dropping already. Switched over to Tik Tok or a meme about a confused donkey. That’s just typical you.

A simple guide on the monumental importance of the systems and processes undertaken and implemented by the country’s health experts was just not your bag today. Grand, sure it’s only a pandemic.

You could have learned about how contact tracing: the act of tracking down people who have been in contact with a known positive case and isolating them will be crucial as we enter phase one of reopening Ireland. But no, it’s all getting a bit boring now – the whole covid thing that has killed 400,000 people – isn’t it?

If it can’t be summed up in a sentence or a quick headline that you can just share without reading, you’re not arsed, are ya?

‘Track and testing’ of people who have come into contact with a positive Covid-19 case needs a turnaround time of under 48 hours to effectively curb any overwhelming resurgence in cases that could cripple health services. That’d be useful to know, wouldn’t it? Maybe if they added some tweet reactions to Normal People, then you’d click.

Apparently less than 300 words on this subject, which is hardly important seeing as ignoring essential information isn’t going to lead to a deadly second wave or anything. But of course you’ll be first in the queue for moaning, when you’re after infecting your granny, or worse, being mildly inconvenienced.

We’re honestly hurt. We put a lot of research into this tracing application – with you and your loved one’s safety in mind – but yeah, best download the Zoom app instead. We hear it’s great for watching funerals with your last surviving family members.
