Husband Can’t Believe Wife Thinks Her Job Is As Important As His


A WATERFORD man currently working from home due to Covid-19 restrictions has expressed disbelief at the fact that his wife is devoting huge amounts of time to her own workload, instead of keeping the kids busy and the lunches coming.

Marketing strategist Adam O’Driscoll was amazed to find that his wife Sheila, who he describes as ‘an accountant or something’, seems to regard her own work as equal in importance to his, despite the fact that he has never really considered her job to be ‘work’ work before.

In fact, Mr. O’Driscoll spoke opening about having to leave his computer to tend to the children while his wife continued to tap away at her laptop, and even stressed that there were times he ‘didn’t feel like the most important person in the house anymore’.

“It’s almost as if she doesn’t respect my ‘hour of work, hour of YouTube, head out for a walk, eat my lunch’ timetable” said O’Driscoll, typing as loudly as a human being can possibly type.

“And yesterday, she called in to me and asked me to put the dinner on because she had a Skype meeting that she couldn’t miss. I mean, what would she have done if I’d been busy right then and there? It doesn’t matter that I wasn’t, or that I hadn’t done a tap all day; it’s just that she didn’t seem to have a back-up plan other than ‘get me to do it’. Where does she get off?”

Mrs. O’Driscoll was unavailable for comment as she was actually quite busy, but Mr. O’Driscoll was free to bitch about the issue with us for easily another hour, hour and a half.
