America To Ban Single Use Bullets ​


THE UNITED States of America has voted overwhelmingly for a countrywide ban on all single use bullets, such as the lead round nosed, semi-jacketed and full metal jackets, WWN can confirm.

The ban could be enshrined in US law by as early as July 2019 in a bid to cut down on the number of bullets entering the food chain, with bullets now also accounting for 96% of America’s total waste.

The news comes as researchers found dangerous metals such as lead appearing in various foods such as salt, bread and even tap water in some parts of the country.

“Texas is currently the most contaminated state when it comes to single use bullets,” said a report published by the Washington Post. “Bullet fragments have been detected in 38% of human waste in Texas, which is highly toxic and can cause such diseases as cancer and a newly discovered ailment called ‘bullet hole'”.

The first instance of bullet hole was first diagnosed in 2012 during a routine examination of a Florida man who had been complaining of terrible cramps in his stomach, before being admitted to a Dallas hospital.

“Bullet hole is caused by the ingesting of too many tiny pieces of bullet which perforate the lining of the stomach and intestines causing severe inflammation,” says Dr. Todd Chamberson, who first treated the patient 7 years ago. Since then we’re seeing more and more cases and it’s all down to the use of single use bullets”.

From July next year, all single use bullets will be replaced with recyclable designs which can be used again and again.

“Extracting bullets from people and animals for reuse isn’t ideal, but it’s a start in helping our environment,” the doctor concluded.
