Ground Zero To Be Used To Store Crude Oil As Part Of Saudi Arms Deal


AMERICAN defense stocks soared Monday after President Donald Trump signed a $110 billion weapons deal with Saudi Arabia, a move that will be worth $350 billion over the next 10 years for the leaders of the free world.

However, WWN can reveal that the sale does come with some hidden clauses with serious implications, including a proposed plan to store 100,000,000 litres of crude oil at the site of the fallen Twin Towers.

“It’s not ideal, but the Saudis were really insistent on this one,” a White House spokesman told the press this afternoon.

“This will only be a temporary measure for ten years or so, and if anything, it will fill up those dangerous square holes where the towers used to be. You won’t even notice the oil there, apart from the smell”.

Hours after landing in Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh, President Donald Trump and Saudi King Salman signed a series of agreements that included a military sales agreement worth close to $110bn, effective immediately, plus another $350bn over the next decade, along with a list of clauses:

  • Store crude oil for safe keeping at the ground zero site
  • A commitment from the US to help enable and escalate the famine and airstrikes in Yemen, orchestrated by Saudi Arabia, which are technically war crimes
  • A ten year supply of Hershey bars
  • Continued ignoring of human rights violations
  • Free flying lessons
  • Help from the successive US administrations to stop any effort by the families of 9/11 victims to hold Saudi Arabia to account for their funding of terrorism

According to the Council on Foreign Relations, Saudi Arabia is the top destination for US arms, with the Kingdom purchasing about 10 per cent of US exports from 2011 to 2015.

Defending the crude oil storage at ground zero, Mr. Trump backtracked on previous comments relating to how the Saudis orchestrated the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington, stating: “I told you I make the best deals, didn’t I? Plus that stuff was a long time ago now and things have changed… besides, they made the holes, so by right they should be allowed fill them back in”.
