Chinese Lad With Hard To Pronounce Name To Be Called “Jim” From Now On


WORKERS at a Kildare meat factory have come up with a solution for their inability to pronounce their Chinese co-worker’s name, with the announcement that the man will be from here on in known simply as “Jim”.

Zhang Yong, a 24-year-old student from the Fuijian province of China, joined the workforce of Atlas Meats in Naas earlier this week.

After introducing himself, many of his Irish co-workers complained that they were unable to pronounce Zhang’s name, after literally seconds of attempting.

As an eloquent and practical solution to the problem, staff on the meat packing line decided that Zhang would be known from here on in as “Jim”, and will proceed to call him that from now on.

“Yeah, you do get a lot of these foreigners coming over here with these quare names on them,” said Prionsias Hegarty, line supervisor at the busy meat factory.

“So we do just christen them here ourselves with handier names. Jim’s not the first lad we had to re-title; there’s Grainne the Nigerian woman who works in the office, and then in the yard you have the two Lithuanian forklift drivers, Seamus and Paddy”.

With Yong remaining quiet about his new moniker, just in case it costs him his job, Hegarty went on to describe the lengthy process that he went through while choosing the name “Jim”.

“Well, doesn’t he not look like a lad called Jim?” said Hegarty, as he presented Yong with a new name badge. “Besides, we had this name-tag left over from a lad called Jim who quit last week. Turkish lad, I think. It’d be a shame to waste it”.
