Taoiseach To Wear Blindfold & Earmuffs To Avoid Public Heckling


TODAY the office of An Taoiseach has confirmed that Enda Kenny has taken several steps to bring an end to the heckling and badgering aimed towards him from the public.

Such incidents have been on the increase in recent weeks as the discontent at water charges continue to grow. However, the Taoiseach has taken the unprecedented step of attempting to solve this crisis.

“The office of An Taoiseach can confirm the Taoiseach will wear earmuffs and a blindfold to all future public engagements,” a statement from the office declared.

The Taoiseach was indeed seen attending a ribbon cutting ceremony in north Dublin today complete with blindfold and earmuffs. Despite being guided by Gardaí up to the podium the Taoiseach tripped several times.

Seeming quite happy, the Taoiseach was obviously delighted not to have listen to someone calling him a ‘cunt’ as was the case yesterday at a public engagement marking plans for the 1916 commemorations.

The Taoiseach was directed to use a large novelty scissors to cut a ribbon at a new youth resource centre in north Dublin. Sadly, due to his blindfold and earmuffs impeding his sight and hearing three children were nicked by the scissors as Kenny handled it in an unsure manner.

Unaware of the injury he caused to three innocent children the Taoiseach smiled on, waving to the crowd and thanking them for their kind support.

It is not yet known how long Kenny can go on wearing a blindfold and earmuffs in his duty as Taoiseach.

