‘Trailers Not Showing Enough Of The Movie’ Say Annoyed Film Fans


The latest news coming out of Hollywood this afternoon involves a large group of passionate and angry movie fans who are seeking to change the way trailers are produced and released.

Film Fans for the Future Furthering Of Film Trailer Content (FFFFFTC) are the latest body, yet to urge Hollywood producers and filmmakers to cram as much plot and inciting incidents into a 2 minute and 30 second trailer as possible.

“Frankly, there are millions of film fans who won’t go to see the latest George Clooney movie or Brad Pitt blockbuster,” shared FFFFFTC chairperson Michael Kline, “and Hollywood is ruining their experience with its trailer that barely gives away huge plot twists and villain reveals.”

Leading Hollywood Critic Ezra Appelbaum has recently come out in support of FFFFFTC’s campaign. “If you can’t give away everything great about a film in a trailer, then why bother going to see it as a movie lover. I can’t think of the last film I went to when I knew too much of the plot thanks to a trailer.”

Appelbaum went on to cite the famous example of The Usual Suspects trailer withholding the identity of its villain. “A real fuck you to passionate movie goers,” remarked Appelbaum.

While movie studios try to adhere to tough guidelines for movie trailers, many fans are still left frustrated.

“Fans are outraged that not enough trailers follow the ‘explosion, explosion, shock, kiss, car crash, long stare, explosion’ guidelines that are clearly laid out,” added Kline.

There are rumours that FFFFFTC will picket the 2014 Oscars to put further pressure on a movie industry hell bent on forcing consumers to venture into cinemas without the slightest notion of what awaits them.
