Irish Junior Doctor Doesn’t Mind Working For A Week Straight Without Any Sleep


THE predicament that junior doctors working within the HSE find themselves in doesn’t bother them at all, one junior doctor has told WWN.

Speaking to WWN with an intravenous coffee drip attached to her veins, Ciara Rafferty, a doctor in St Vincent’s Hospital said working a full week with close to no sleep is in fact ‘grand’.

“Look, honestly, it’s fine. Seeing a huge number of Irish medical professionals move abroad in order to achieve more than 4 hours of sleep a week is, frankly, cry baby stuff, like, get over yourself think you’re entitled to some quality of life,” Rafferty told WWN in between dozing off while standing upright.

Colleagues of Rafferty’s echoed her sentiments, admitting that working upwards of 24 hours with little room for food or rest is actually fine, and they even went as far as to confirm the Government shouldn’t be bothered trying to fix systemic failures within the HSE.

“Look me in the eye and tell me you think junior doctors pushed to the limits in an underfunded, atrociously run HSE doesn’t fill you with confidence,” Rafferty added, but try as we might catch her eye she had fallen asleep again.

Junior doctors in Ireland haven’t ‘got a leg to stand on’ when it comes to complaints about working conditions, according to the Government, who cite the fact the European Court of Justice failed to fine them for being in breach of the Working Time Directive as evidence that it’s like Disneyland out there for young doctors.

“Ah, no, honestly, they’re having a lovely time,” confirmed Government spokesman Declan Nevison.

“While myself and my colleagues appreciate the tireless concern the public has shown for us and our patients, it’s grand, I actually like working non-stop with no sleep. Some of the hallucinations you have from being so sleep deprived are pretty trippy,” Rafferty added in an attempt to explain away a dream she thought she had about giving someone you know the wrong dosage.
