Airplane Carrying Food Crash Lands In Toddler’s Mouth



REPORTS are coming in to WWN about an air disaster in the North East, where a plane carrying food is said to have crashed into a toddler’s mouth.

Although details are sketchy, it is believed that the incident occurred at around half past seven this morning, when the O’Brien family of Dundalk Co. Louth were attempting to feed their 2-year-old son Billy and get out the door before the traffic got really bad. At this time, an airplane carrying a cargo of Ready Brek was forced to make an emergency landing directly in Billy’s mouth.

“We don’t know the exact details of why the plane was forced to land just yet,” said aviation disaster expert Ted McCrosky.

“What we do know is this; at 8.25 an airplane carrying a delicious, nutritious cargo took off from Dundalk International. This plane maintained a holding pattern around young Billy’s face for a few seconds, before plunging without warning into his mouth”.

Eyewitnesses to the event described the horrific aftermath at the scene, as more details come streaming into the WWN newsroom.

“I heard the airplane circling around for a while before it lost altitude,” said Sarah O’Brien, Billy’s mother.

“Billy was watching it, with his mouth tightly closed. The plane seemed to be flying well, until Billy opened his mouth… That’s when the engines made a terrible noise, and the craft went into an uncontrollable nose dive, crashing into Billy’s open mouth”.

“The aftermath was terrible; the craft had scattered it’s payload of Ready Brek into Billy, who went into a fit of screaming and spitting, spraying it all over my husband, who had been trying to feed Billy at the time”.

Details of the crash will become clearer later today, when the Black Box is recovered from Billy’s nappy.

