Burrito Place Implements Mandatory Tattoo Policy For Staff


APPLICANTS for customer-facing roles at a new Waterford burrito bar will require a minimum of one arm completely covered in tattoos, although people with a face-full of piercings will also be favourably considered.

“We can’t be the only burrito place in town where the staff all have their natural hair colour” explained Luke Ingleson, owner of Los Deise Banditos as he trawled through CVs.

“People just expect it at this stage. If they come in to get a burrito and the guy or lady serving them doesn’t have guaged-out ears, they’ll just walk out the door. It’s like a mark of quality at this stage”.

The dawn of the heavily-tattooed food service worker has been greatly welcomed by many in Waterford, who now have the perfect fuck-off line to anyone who slagged them off for their body art.

“My dad used to look at my tattoos and say ‘where are you going to get a job with all those’. Of course, this was before the burrito bar explosion in Ireland. Now, I’ve my pick of employers” said one young man waiting for an interview, with his sleeves rolled up to show off his tattoos of a giant-sized Olive Oyl from Popeye fist-fighting Godzilla.

Anyone with less than the required amount of inked skin is still welcome to apply for roles in Los Deise Banditos, but will be resigned to jobs in the kitchen in the back or in the office, where their bland appearances will not be forced upon the customer.
