Netflix Wondering If They Can Get 2 Or 3 Seasons Out Of Gabby Petito Case


THE unfolding tragedy of Gabby Petito’s young life and the ensuing media circus has left streaming service Netflix with the difficult decision to either commit to a single multi-part event series, or perhaps try for a multi-season arc.

The death of blogger Petito had already set the streaming service’s ‘dead white woma’’ alarm bells ringing, with her tragic tale of young love gone horribly awry being described as ‘incredibly binge-worthy’.

As human remains found in a nature reserve in Florida were confirmed to be those of Polito’s partner Brian Laundrie, even the most sensitive Netflix chiefs admitted that this ‘would be a great cliff-hanger for season 2’, with season 3 revolving around the inevitable inquests.

“Look, we’ve made mistakes in the past with our true crime output” admitted a Netflix spokesperson today.

“Specifically, we’ve blown through the entire case in 6 episodes and wrapped the whole damn thing up in one go. So when it becomes the must-watch TV event of the summer, we’ve been left with nowhere to go.

“No ‘Don’t Fuck With Cats’ season 2. No more Tiger King. We might, if we’re lucky, get another season out of the Sophie Toscan Du Plantier case, depending on what that Bailey chap does next. We have to be smarter going forward, and that has to start with the Petito case. We’ve got at least 30 episodes here, and a captive audience of ghouls who’ll eat it all up”.

Meanwhile Florida officials have decided not to investigate the specifics of the case, as there are more than enough internet sleuths who have figured it all out already.
