Pat Hickey In Tears Watching All Those Unused Seats At Olympics


THE SIGHT of empty seats and zero demand for tickets has proven too much for one Tokyo Olympics viewer, WWN understands.

Running the numbers in his head, local Olympics fan Pat Hickey was beside himself at how a crowd-less games would affect the bottom line as well as the lucrative ticket resellers market often fueled by administrators and executives.

And he is not alone as many viewers lament the fact events are robbed of atmosphere and competitors robbed of support.

“I’d be in tears too, all those empty seats going unsold, VIPs and event junkies with no one to buy from on the black market, this is barely an Olympics at all,” shared one fan.

“On another level, personally speaking, I’d love for crowds to be there because that increases the chances of dawn raids of administrators hotel rooms as they stand there in their bathrobe. For some people they say the Olympics doesn’t start for them until the athletics kick off, but for me it only gets going when shit like that hits the fan,” added the enthusiastic fan.

In an attempt to make the stadiums resemble something closer to the usual Olympics spectacle viewers are accustomed to, organisers have placed holograms of people in seats allocated to Olympic councils which were resold as part of illegal acts prosecutors would call ticket-touting, ambush marketing, theft, tax evasion, money-laundering, and criminal association.

Organisers have also apologised for the delay in the first high profile drugs cheat unveiling but insist ‘it will happen any minute now’.
