“Don’t Suffer In Silence, Report Hate Crimes” Say Gardaí Who Cancelled Thousands of 999 Calls


SETTING up an online system for members of the public to report hate crimes, an organisation recently in the news for cancelling 999 calls or not following them up have told people they needn’t ‘suffer in silence’.

Speaking at the launch of the dedicated reporting system senior Gardaí confirmed it will be the usual case of exerting immense pressure on under resourced and overworked rank and file members for failing to hit impossibly high targets which were arbitrarily chosen so senior members of the force and government TDs could look good.

“Please, use the dedicated service, our officers will get back to you,” said Garda Commissoner Drew Harris of the system that doesn’t provide members of the public with ‘case/complaint number’ which will in no way make it easier for Gardaí to say ‘we never got it’ when system is predictably left to run on a skeleton staff.

“For some unknown reason members of the public might have felt reluctant to report incidents in the past,” added a Garda spokesperson, who last appeared before the media just yesterday to apologise for gardaí harassing two Malaysian students and pressuring them to leave the country despite having been granted a stay on their deportation order by a judge.

Elsewhere the Dept of Justice praised the system set up confirming “isn’t that great for those little guys and gals. Guess that’s the hard work done on all that stuff” before departing for an exhaustive back-patting session.
