Has Dublin Lost Its Soul? Iveagh Markets Not Being Turned Into Hotel


A CRISIS is emerging in Dublin following the soul destroying news that the derelict Iveagh Markets site in The Liberties will not be turned into a hotel, and instead could be restored to its original form after being repossessed by Lord Iveagh.

Decried as a ‘cancer eating away at Dublin’s soul’, many worried developers have stated the maintaining of landmarks and buildings for the purpose of enriching local communities and their residents could risk ruining Dublin’s hard earned reputation as one giant hotel.

“I don’t even recognise my city anymore,” shared a distraught white water rafting enthusiast who owns 7 Airbnbs in the city.

The man was one of thousands of Dubliners angrily protesting at the worrying lack of beautiful co-living spaces and hotels being built in the last 24 hours which give Dublin its unique identity.

“If we don’t nip this in the bud, we could lose some of our 400 Starbucks outlets to modest retail businesses owned and operated by locals, oh God, didn’t anyone else hear that? Was that an inner city accent?” shared one pension fund administrator.

Developers confirmed that the fight to ensure Dublin retains its soul is a constant battle.

“This Iveagh Markets tragedy is a wake up call to all us. What kind of city do we want to live in? I was only charged €3.99 for a coffee this morning; that sort of affordability could risk making this city barely livable for ordinary people, and who wants that nightmare?” offered one developer as he chained himself to the gates of Iveagh Markets and demanded a boutique Facebook and Google themed hotel be constructed immediately.
