Proud Brexiter Refuses To Get Vaccine Made With EU Funding


INITIALLY overcome with a wave relief at the news that the UK will rollout Pfizer and BionTech’s Covid-19 vaccine as early as next week, local Englishman Hugh Harding is now a staunch opponent to what he believes is a sovereignty stealing jab.

“And what, I take it and wake up speaking the Furher’s German with an addiction to bendy bananas? No thank you very much, a good English vaccine made from English science brains for me,” explained a reddening Harding, of Covid vaccines which are currently harder to get a hold of than a PS5.

Harding had been eagerly sharing with friends his delight that the scourge that is Covid-19 would be coming to an end, that was before he discovered the vaccine received €100 million in funding from the European Commission and €375 million from the German government.

“It won’t even have a flipping Union Jack on it,” a dismayed and deflated Harding said, becoming more obstinate as the seconds wore on, “and come to think of it ‘vaccine’ sounds suspiciously like a French word, needle probably ain’t made with Sheffield steel either”.

“Oh great that’s just brilliant that is I’m seeing something heard about ‘children of immigrants'” added Harding, reading up on the German-Turkish founders of BionTech.

A vocal opponent of all lockdowns, tiers, levels, bubbles and masks, Harding has now stated that if it’s a choice between never leaving his house again and an EU funded vaccine then he will patriotically shut himself away for the rest of time.

In an effort to convince the people to take up the vaccine Britain’s ruling class have happily reported they received the vaccine months ago and are absolutely fine.
