BREAKING: Flats Rave Looks Like Some Session All The Same


ONCE the fervent and incandescent rage which courses through the body upon watching footage from a party at a Dublin flat complex subsides, WWN can reveal the vast majority of people concede that it looked like a quality session in fairness, if the discarded nitrous oxide canisters are anything to go by.

With ‘Dublin Flats’ pipping meat factories to the top of this week’s Irish Covid-19 blame-o-meter, attention has been concentrated on the large social gathering showcasing a new level of stupidity as Dublin enters Level 3, which has everyone who is actually adhering to the guidelines in a bid to reduce Covid-19 numbers green with envy and red with rage.

“Banging out the tunes, chewing jaws, pumping stomachs, having a dance, potentially killing their grannies – ah man, they’re all my favourite things to do,” admitted one jealous man once he had got all his ‘find all these pricks and sterilise them’ rant out of the way.

While the sight of partying in one of a number of areas of Dublin hardest hit by a surge in covid-19 numbers receives understandable outrage, it has also prompted unconscious tapping of feet among those who’d only love a proper session.

Reports indicate that a number of calls were placed to An Garda Síochána but when they did eventually arrive on the scene, they were overpowered with an urge to dance when the DJ lined up Maniac 2000 and they were absorbed into the crowd and lost to the session forever.

Elsewhere, one Dublin woman required emergency surgery after tying herself in knots on Twitter trying to defend the close quarters large scale party which took place during a pandemic.
