“I’m Going To Have A Shower But Not Wash My Hair,” Informs Wife
WATERFORD woman Deirdre McKane has updated her husband Eoghan Muldoon of her plans to ‘jump in for a quick shower’ in the next ten minutes, having previously laid out a scheme to have a big bath, shave her legs, the works.
Muldoon, who admits he did not ask his wife what she intended to do, but nevertheless was treated to the following updates on the subject:
1) 6:30pm. O’Kane arrives home from a long day at work and asks Muldon to ‘stick on the immersion there’, as the day has tired her out and she wants to unwind in a long bath. Eyeing an opportunity to play PlayStation all evening, Muldoon agrees that this sounds like a good plan.
2) 7:30pm. Having sat on her phone for a full hour after dinner, O’Kane downgrades the plan to have a bath into a simpler, quicker ‘shower’ option.
3) 8:30pm. Sensing his evening of PS play slipping away, Muldoon informs O’Kane that she’d better jump into the shower, if she is ever going to. O’Kane now informs him that she will have a shower, but won’t wash her hair as it’s too much hassle and she ‘only washed it the other day’.
4) 9:30pm. O’Kane, having sat on her phone griping about some woman at work that Muldoon has never heard of, postpones her shower plans for a ‘quick shower in the morning and maybe a big bath at the weekend’. Although robbed of his night of PlayStationing, Muldoon is relieved at the decision as he remembers that when he was asked to put the immersion on at 6:30pm, he had completely forgotten to do so.